
Group photo of success coaches

We work with you 一对一的 to identify strengths and challenges, 平衡的责任, 设定可实现的目标, 制定行动计划, 增加弹性, and provide guidance and encouragement along the way.

Our goal is to empower you to take control of your life and achieve success in college and beyond!


Circle graphic with six sections. Content of graphic is repeated on the page.

通过电话获得支持 一对一的 会话, 还有自我评估, 研讨会, 弹出事件, 沟通计划, and referrals to experts and resources within these focus areas


Learn how to increase discipline and motivation, 变得更有弹性, and accept that setbacks are a normal part of the learning process.


Get help to smoothly transition into college through setting achievable expectations, learning to advocate for yourself, and getting connected with appropriate campus resources.


Discover ways to prioritize, manage your time and commitments, and overcome procrastination.

反射 & 目标

Through self-reflection and exploration, uncover your core beliefs and values, establish a connection to your passions and purpose, and discover how to connect these to goal-setting to create a more meaningful and fulfilling journey.


Gain effective strategies to better communicate, problem-solve, and adapt to changing environments.

归属感 & 幸福

学会优先照顾自己, build confidence in your abilities, and discover the value you bring to the 皇冠体育博彩 community.

Attend a 成功的教练 Event


每个想要的人. You are assigned a Success Coach after completing 新生迎新.

Coaching 会话 last about 30-60 minutes. Your coaching schedule will be discussed during your first meeting and the frequency is up to you. Sessions can be done on campus or virtually.

Each 一对一的 appointment is unique and guided by your needs. Some common components and goals of most meetings include:

  • 建立关系: The goal of the first meeting is to establish roles, get acquainted and discuss your goals at 皇冠体育博彩.
  • 评估你的需求: Coaches use a variety of tools to facilitate productive conversations and discover your needs.
  • 战略学习 & 谈话: Your coach can work with you on a topic within our 6 focus areas. For example, this could be an assessment of your resilience skills or time-management habits. Coaches ask poignant questions to help you learn about yourself and guide learning conversations for skill-building.
  • 制定比赛计划: You and your coach will decide together on a plan that facilitates actionable steps for you to take and creates accountability to make progress toward your goals.
  • 跟进和签到: Your coach will schedule a follow-up session to celebrate your achievements and establish new objectives. They will serve as a guide during your college journey, offering encouragement and assistance along the way.

成功的教练 help you set and accomplish goals by asking questions that provide clarity and lead to self-discovery. The coaching relationship is future-focused and helps you identify solutions to overcome barriers to your success. By fostering a collaborative and trusting relationship, coaches empower you to take charge of your academic and personal development.

辅导员 provide educational and career planning as well as personal counseling. A counselor can help you choose or change your major, 计划和选择课程, 在作业上寻求帮助, 参与校园活动, stay on track for graduation and transfer successfully.